HR Girlfriends

HR Girlfriends™ is a Human Resources networking organization dedicated to advancing the practice and culture of people empowerment. Our team of Girlfriends consult, train, educate, develop, share, promote, and advocate for solutions in the field of human resource management.

Affirmation: My fears diminish as I live my life with courage.

Affirmation: My fears diminish as I live my life with courage.

I develop my courage by practicing courage. The more often I demonstrate courage in my life, the more courage I have available to me. I work to build my courage muscles each day by facing my fears. When I am faced with a situation that causes anxiety, I make it a point to deal directly […]

Career Monday: My determination sets me up for success.

Career Monday: My determination sets me up for success.

Daily, I picture myself enjoying great victories. Whatever my heart dreams and my mind envisions, becomes a reality through my determination. In my mind, I am confident that I will succeed because I have an unshakeable faith in my abilities. When a door closes, I keep pounding until it opens because I am determined to […]

Q&A: What to do if employee refuses to sign our handbook?

Q&A: What to do if employee refuses to sign our handbook?

First things first, talk to them about why they don’t want to sign the handbook. There may be an easily resolved misunderstanding about what their signature on this document means. If that conversation doesn’t solve the problem, and you still want them to work for you, make it clear that failure to sign the handbook […]

Affirmation: 7 Ways to Leave Work Stress Behind

Affirmation: 7 Ways to Leave Work Stress Behind

When your workday is done, do you still carry much of the stress of your work with you into your off-work hours? Whether you work at home or go to an office, it’s important for there to be a separation between your work and personal life. Without a clear gap, you will not be able […]

Reap the Benefits of Staying Focused at Work

Reap the Benefits of Staying Focused at Work

It’s imperative to stay focused at work if you wish to meet your deadlines and succeed in your career. However, such concentration isn’t always easy to achieve. Something always seems to sabotage even your best efforts. Someone calls a meeting, a client throws a monkey wrench in your plans for the day, or your child […]

Introducing the Top Emerging Tech Business badge and award

Introducing the Top Emerging Tech Business badge and award

HR Girlfriends is excited to announce in collaboration with our partner CertNexus a bi-monthly webinar series designed for HR Professionals seeking to advance their knowledge of emerging technologies such as Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and Data Science. Why should HR care?In our ever-changing business environment, HR Pros are expected to have […]

HR Q&A: Suggestions for Exit Interviews During the Pandemic

HR Q&A: Suggestions for Exit Interviews During the Pandemic

We’ve had a lot of turnover since the pandemic started and are thinking about doing exit interviews to see if we can find out why. Do you have any suggestions? Exit interviews can be a very useful tool — if you’re prepared to act on what you learn — so it’s great that you’re thinking […]

Affirmation: I Can Overcome Boredom

Affirmation: I Can Overcome Boredom

Boredom can strike in many different ways. Some men and women experience it only in certain situations. Others are prone to boredom during much of their waking hours.  Especially during these days of COVID19, now more than six months into social distancing, we may be bored with our options. Whether you’re occasionally frustrated or you’re […]

Career Monday: I Manage My Time for Success

Career Monday: I Manage My Time for Success

Tell yourself that you are the master of time management! Each moment spent has a defined purpose. Place your priorities toward the top of my to-do list and ensure that these responsibilities get completed. Say these phrases to yourself to become the master of your time: My priorities change according to the environment I find […]

Q&A: How do we deal with phishing emails?

Q&A: How do we deal with phishing emails?

Question: We’ve had a few employees receive phishing emails lately. Do you have any advice for how to deal with this? —Unfortunately, these scams have been on the rise for several years and don’t seem to be going away. The best way to address the issue is to make sure it’s top of mind for […]