If you think it’s more difficult to lead a meeting when it’s conducted online, you have plenty of company. Nine out of ten meeting organizers say virtual events are more challenging, according to a recent poll by the software company Slido. Picture your own experience. One minute you’re looking at a spreadsheet, and the next […]
Q&A: What is a “plan document” with respect to insurance plans offered by private employers?
A plan document is the official governing document of employee benefit plans, such as health, welfare, and retirement plans. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) requires that almost all private employers that sponsor benefit plans have corresponding plan documents. Your plan document should include specific information about the plan, such as eligibility, funding and […]
Career Monday: 8 Tips To Stay Motivated While Working From Home
If you work in an office, your day might already be planned out, with your coworkers giving you social interaction and your boss giving you accountability. However, working from home is much different. How can you get work done without any of this help that you would normally receive from coworkers? Try these techniques to […]
HR Law Alert – OSHA Form 300A Posting Begins February 1, Electronic Reporting Due March 2
Form 300A Workplace Posting Begins February 1 Covered employers that had 11 or more employees in the entire company at any point in 2024 are required to post the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Form 300A, Summary of Work-Related Injury and Illnesses, from February 1 through April 30. This requirement applies even if the […]
Affirmation: 15 Pros And Cons Of Using Social Media
Social media is here to stay. People enjoy it too much, and it makes too much money for it to not remain a big part of our society. Social media can provide a lot of benefits. However, it can also be detrimental. Social media is a powerful force that can be used to enhance or […]
Career Monday: Read This Before You Exaggerate On Your Resume
There’s a lot of pressure to embellish your resume but lying about your qualifications could be disastrous. You may be confused about where to draw the line, especially if you’re new to the job market or returning after some time off. If so, you have plenty of company. About 46% of adults know someone who […]
Q&A: Should we include a pay range in our job postings even though we aren’t required to by law?
We generally recommend including pay ranges in job postings even if it isn’t legally required. First, since the practice has become more common, more job seekers expect it, and many won’t apply for jobs that don’t include a pay range. By not including this information, you risk missing out on top talent. Second, sharing pay […]
Affirmation: 7 Tips To Overcome Imposter Syndrome
Have you ever felt like you don’t belong, or everyone is going to find out that you don’t deserve your achievements? If you can relate to those feelings of chronic self-doubt, you’ve probably experienced imposter syndrome. You’re not alone – studies suggest 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their career. Overall, […]
Career Monday: Simple Strategies To Attract Your Dream Job
If you don’t already have your dream job, what’s holding you back from the job you deserve? You’ll soon discover that you can no longer make excuses because the time to attract your dream job is now! It doesn’t really matter what your end goal is, there are always ways to get there. The only […]
Q&A: We’ve decided to bring employees back into the office a few days each week and change our remote work policies. Some employees have been grumbling about this change. What should we do?
Any time you make a change like this, you can expect a certain amount of employee complaints. People aren’t inherently great with change, and the benefits of remote work can be hard to part with. Given that, instead of trying to shut down complaints (which could potentially run afoul of employees’ rights under the National […]