HR Girlfriends

HR Girlfriends™ is a Human Resources networking organization dedicated to advancing the practice and culture of people empowerment. Our team of Girlfriends consult, train, educate, develop, share, promote, and advocate for solutions in the field of human resource management.

Career Monday: To Change or Not to Change? That Is the Question

Career Monday: To Change or Not to Change? That Is the Question

Back in the day it was commonplace to have a job for life or at least stay with the same company for an entire working lifetime. As time has passed, it’s become less and less likely that any of us will stay at the same job, company, or even career for very long. Most people […]

Q&A: Do We Have to Provide Time Off to Vote?

Q&A: Do We Have to Provide Time Off to Vote?

Question: One of my employees has requested time off to vote. My state doesn’t require voting leave, but this employee works in a different state, and we have employees located across the country. What do I need to do here? If an employee of yours works in a state with a voting leave law, you […]

Affirmation: My mind is filled with positive and nourishing thoughts.

Affirmation: My mind is filled with positive and nourishing thoughts.

My mind only allows positive and nourishing thoughts to exist. I naturally have a positive attitude and think positive thoughts. Negative thinking is against my basic nature. I feel like I am being untrue to myself when I have negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are quickly banished from my mind. I notice negative thoughts very quickly. […]

Career Monday: Success and The Law of Cause and Effect

Career Monday: Success and The Law of Cause and Effect

The idea of cause and effect has been touted by the Buddha and scientists alike. The idea is simple: actions have effects, and effects are the result of actions. For example, saving money leads to a certain effect. Spending money has a different set of effects. This simple idea isn’t challenging to understand, but it’s […]

HR Advisor: ADA, Voting Leave, FFCRA Rule Updates

HR Advisor: ADA, Voting Leave, FFCRA Rule Updates

Key Definitions to Help You Understand the ADA If you hadn’t engaged with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) before the pandemic, you probably have by now. The ADA comes up a lot these days, both with respect to confidentiality of medical information (like employee temperatures) as well as with reasonable accommodation for those who […]

Affirmation: My fears diminish as I live my life with courage.

Affirmation: My fears diminish as I live my life with courage.

I develop my courage by practicing courage. The more often I demonstrate courage in my life, the more courage I have available to me. I work to build my courage muscles each day by facing my fears. When I am faced with a situation that causes anxiety, I make it a point to deal directly […]

Career Monday: My determination sets me up for success.

Career Monday: My determination sets me up for success.

Daily, I picture myself enjoying great victories. Whatever my heart dreams and my mind envisions, becomes a reality through my determination. In my mind, I am confident that I will succeed because I have an unshakeable faith in my abilities. When a door closes, I keep pounding until it opens because I am determined to […]

Q&A: What to do if employee refuses to sign our handbook?

Q&A: What to do if employee refuses to sign our handbook?

First things first, talk to them about why they don’t want to sign the handbook. There may be an easily resolved misunderstanding about what their signature on this document means. If that conversation doesn’t solve the problem, and you still want them to work for you, make it clear that failure to sign the handbook […]

Affirmation: 7 Ways to Leave Work Stress Behind

Affirmation: 7 Ways to Leave Work Stress Behind

When your workday is done, do you still carry much of the stress of your work with you into your off-work hours? Whether you work at home or go to an office, it’s important for there to be a separation between your work and personal life. Without a clear gap, you will not be able […]