Category: HR Law Alert

HR Law Alert – OSHA Form 300A Posting Begins February 1, Electronic Reporting Due March 2

HR Law Alert – OSHA Form 300A Posting Begins February 1, Electronic Reporting Due March 2

Form 300A Workplace Posting Begins February 1 Covered employers that had 11 or more employees in the entire company at any point in 2024 are required to post the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Form 300A, Summary of Work-Related Injury and Illnesses, from February 1 through April 30. This requirement applies even if the […]

HR Law Alert – Federal: NLRB Prohibits Captive Audience Meetings

HR Law Alert – Federal: NLRB Prohibits Captive Audience Meetings

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), which enforces the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), recently decided that employers can’t require employees to attend captive audience meetings under the threat of discipline or discharge. The NLRA covers private employers of all sizes and protects nonsupervisory employees. Captive audience meetings are mandatory meetings where employers present their […]

HR Law Alert: California Healthcare Minimum Wage – October 16 Increase

HR Law Alert: California Healthcare Minimum Wage – October 16 Increase

California’s new statewide minimum wage and salary threshold for healthcare workers will take effect on October 16, 2024. Employers must provide a notice to each employee of the applicable minimum wage and post a supplemental minimum wage order in a conspicuous area that employees regularly visit. The supplemental minimum wage order can be found here. More information, including […]

HR Law Alert: Annual OSHA Form 300A Posting Begins February 1, Expanded Electronic Reporting Due March 2

HR Law Alert: Annual OSHA Form 300A Posting Begins February 1, Expanded Electronic Reporting Due March 2

Form 300A Workplace Posting Begins February 1 Covered employers that had 11 or more employees at any point in 2023 are required to post Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Form 300A, Summary of Work-Related Injury and Illnesses, from February 1 through April 30 unless they qualify as an exempt low-risk industry. Employers are required […]

HR Law Alert: Federal DOL Reinstates Longstanding Independent Contractor Test

HR Law Alert: Federal DOL Reinstates Longstanding Independent Contractor Test

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has published a final rule for independent contractor classification under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Beginning on March 11, 2024, the rule will effectively reinstate the longstanding version of the “economic reality” test the DOL previously used. This test uses a multifactor, totality-of-the-circumstances analysis to determine whether […]

Employment Law Trends at the Start of 2024

Employment Law Trends at the Start of 2024

With each new year, the world of HR and compliance looks a little different than before. Minimum wages increase. New laws go into effect. Trends emerge as state legislatures look at what their neighbors are doing and think, “We should do something similar!” Themes for 2024 include cannabis, victim protection, bereavement leaves, paid leaves, pay […]

HR Law Alert: Federal Updates for 2024 – IRS Mileage Rate, OSHA Reporting, and Federal Contractor Minimum Wages

HR Law Alert: Federal Updates for 2024 – IRS Mileage Rate, OSHA Reporting, and Federal Contractor Minimum Wages

The following federal law changes take effect on January 1, 2024. IRS MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT RATE The IRS standard mileage rate will be 67 cents per mile driven for business purposes (up from 65.5 cents in 2023). This rate also applies to electric and hybrid vehicles. Use of this rate is optional, though it’s widely accepted […]

Federal Law Updates for 2024: IRS Mileage Rate, OSHA Reporting, and Federal Contractor Minimum Wages

Federal Law Updates for 2024: IRS Mileage Rate, OSHA Reporting, and Federal Contractor Minimum Wages

The following federal law changes take effect on January 1, 2024. IRS MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT RATEThe IRS standard mileage rate will be 67 cents per mile driven for business purposes (up from 65.5 cents in 2023). This rate also applies to electric and hybrid vehicles. Use of this rate is optional, though it’s widely accepted as an […]

HR Law Alert: California Increases Paid Sick Leave in 2024

HR Law Alert: California Increases Paid Sick Leave in 2024

California was on the cutting edge of employee sick leave benefits when it rolled out Paid Sick Leave in 2015, but the 24 hours provided soon looked meager compared to the amounts offered by other states and localities. Now, eight years in, the state has increased the three-day benefit to a five-day benefit. Beginning January […]