HR Girlfriends

HR Girlfriends™ is a Human Resources networking organization dedicated to advancing the practice and culture of people empowerment. Our team of Girlfriends consult, train, educate, develop, share, promote, and advocate for solutions in the field of human resource management.

Q&A: We’ll be reopening our office this summer and may celebrate the occasion with an outdoor “welcome back” party for employees. We’d be sure to follow social distancing guidelines. Would we be required to pay employees who attend?

Q&A: We’ll be reopening our office this summer and may celebrate the occasion with an outdoor “welcome back” party for employees. We’d be sure to follow social distancing guidelines. Would we be required to pay employees who attend?

It depends. You are not required to pay non-exempt employees (those paid by the hour and entitled to overtime) for time spent at company functions when attendance is completely voluntary, no work is performed, the event occurs outside of regular working hours, and the event is not job-related. If your “welcome back” party meets these […]

Q&A: What are the penalties and costs for misclassifying employees?

Q&A: What are the penalties and costs for misclassifying employees?

The answer will depend on a number of factors, such as how many employees are misclassified, how much extra money they would have been paid if properly classified, and whether or not lawyers or regulatory agencies get involved. Generally, if an employee goes to the federal Department of Labor (DOL) and claims that they’ve been […]

Career Monday: What Every Employee Needs To Know About Initial Probation Periods

Career Monday: What Every Employee Needs To Know About Initial Probation Periods

When starting a new job, you may find yourself facing an initial probation period. In these hard economic times where there is stiff competition for jobs, more and more companies are instituting probation periods for newly hired employees. Read on to discover the ins and outs of these probation periods and how you can take […]

Q&A: We have a non-exempt employee who has been working from home. Do we need to pay her for time spent traveling to the office? She’s been asked to drop off some files during her normally scheduled work hours.

Q&A: We have a non-exempt employee who has been working from home. Do we need to pay her for time spent traveling to the office? She’s been asked to drop off some files during her normally scheduled work hours.

Yes, in this situation, we recommend paying this employee for travel time during her workday. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), tasks performed during the employee’s “continuous workday” are considered paid time (with a few notable exceptions, such as meal breaks). Because she’ll drop the files off at the office during her normally scheduled […]

HR Law Alert – Montana Prohibits Discrimination Based on Vaccination Status

HR Law Alert – Montana Prohibits Discrimination Based on Vaccination Status

Montana has become the first state to prohibit private employers from discriminating against applicants and employees based on their vaccination status or whether they have an “immunity passport.” An immunity passport is a document or app showing that a person is immune to a disease through vaccination or infection and recovery. The law carves out […]

Career Monday: 5 Vital Qualifications Every Employer Seeks in Applicants

Career Monday: 5 Vital Qualifications Every Employer Seeks in Applicants

Sometimes, it may seem as if the odds are against you when applying for a job. While it’s true that you’re likely up against stiff competition when interviewing for a position, know that there is a fulfilling place for you in the workforce. All employers seek five vital qualifications when fulfilling their position. Develop these […]

Q&A: An employee says that the stress of the job is affecting their mental health. How should we handle this?

Q&A: An employee says that the stress of the job is affecting their mental health. How should we handle this?

This employee may just need to talk through their concerns and get your help prioritizing or delegating. They may, for example, feel like every single thing on their to-do list is life-or-death by Friday at close of business, when that’s not really the case. Some manager guidance can go a long way, especially for your […]

HR Advisor: Hiring, Recruiting, and Retention

HR Advisor: Hiring, Recruiting, and Retention

The Struggle to Hire and What Businesses Can Do About It If you’re finding it difficult to hire employees, you’re not alone. Bloomberg reports that many small businesses are struggling to find people who currently want to work—in fact, 42% say they have jobs they can’t fill. The number of people quitting jobs right now […]

Affirmation: Hope lights up my life

Affirmation: Hope lights up my life

My days are filled with happiness and purpose. I cultivate gratitude. I notice the pleasant events and valuable opportunities that greet me each day. I keep a journal of things I am thankful for and express my appreciation out loud on a regular basis. I give generously. Volunteering in my community or doing favors for […]

Affirmation: I take one step at a time.

Affirmation: I take one step at a time.

A slow and steady approach keeps me happy and fulfilled. I break big projects down into smaller tasks. I find a starting point. I identify one thing I can do now. I build momentum that carries me forward. I set short-term goals and celebrate my progress. I give myself something to strive for each day. […]