HR Girlfriends

HR Girlfriends™ is a Human Resources networking organization dedicated to advancing the practice and culture of people empowerment. Our team of Girlfriends consult, train, educate, develop, share, promote, and advocate for solutions in the field of human resource management.

Affirmation: No Worry Ways to Overcome Loneliness

Affirmation: No Worry Ways to Overcome Loneliness

Feeling close to family and friends is one of the greatest joys in life.  It is harder to harness this closeness during social distancing, but you can still achieve this connection.  If you want to feel more connected and strengthen your relationships, try these practical steps for banishing loneliness. Advantages of Becoming More Connected 1. […]

Affirmation: Building up others strengthens me.

Affirmation: Building up others strengthens me.

I grow stronger when I help others. The compassion and encouragement I give away comes back to me many times over. I look for ways to help others feel good about themselves. I pay attention so I can spot their hidden talents and discover their potential. I affirm their worth. I cheer others on and […]

Career Monday: I strive for excellence in my work.

Career Monday: I strive for excellence in my work.

When it comes to my work, the amounts of effort, energy and time I put in determine the end result. Because my work is so important to me, I invest the utmost into my job. I want the products of my work to be flawless and helpful. Putting my all into my work shows that […]

Career Monday: Let Go of the Work Day and Make Your Evenings More Joyful

Career Monday: Let Go of the Work Day and Make Your Evenings More Joyful

Do you feel like you’ve been taking the office home with you each night? I mean, like a lot of us, your office may be in your home.  So it’s easy to fall into the pattern of not having a clear delineation between office and home, but you have the power to turn it around. […]

HR Q&A: How do I determine whether a requested accommodation would be an undue hardship?

HR Q&A: How do I determine whether a requested accommodation would be an undue hardship?

The basic definition of an undue hardship is an action that creates a significant difficulty or expense. There are no hard and fast rules governing what significant means, but the bar is intentionally set high in order to encourage employers to help those with disabilities fully engage in the workforce. The factors below are important […]

Affirmation: Progress brings encouragement.

Affirmation: Progress brings encouragement.

There are few greater feelings than seeing myself a little further ahead today than yesterday. It reminds me why I am sacrificing certain things to achieve something else. Time is one of my greatest teachers. It shows me just how much I am able to make of the hours that I am granted. There is […]

Career Monday: Discover The Power of Taking Chances

Career Monday: Discover The Power of Taking Chances

One of the best ways to make positive changes to your life is to take more risks. Life is more exciting and rewarding when you’re willing to put yourself out there and take a few chances. Plus, successful people take more risks than unsuccessful people. With a little practice, you’ll find that taking a chance […]

HR Q&A: Should we give an employee notice that their employment will end in two weeks?

HR Q&A: Should we give an employee notice that their employment will end in two weeks?

Question: We are going to terminate an employee who has not been meeting expectations, even after several warnings. Could we give the employee notice that their employment will end in two weeks? That way they have a little time to search for a new job. I would not recommend giving notice ahead of an involuntary […]

Affirmation: Boost Self-Confidence With These 8 Surprising Actions

Affirmation: Boost Self-Confidence With These 8 Surprising Actions

Who couldn’t use a little more self-confidence? Self-confidence can often be in short supply, but there are many ways you can get it back. When your self-confidence is lacking, take control of the situation and make yourself confident again. You can accomplish a lot more with self-confidence than you can without. Once you know how […]

Career Monday: Top 10 Critical Competencies of Great Leaders

Career Monday: Top 10 Critical Competencies of Great Leaders

Great leaders share many common traits. Though criteria for leadership in the workplace can vary from company to company, the majority of effective leaders exemplify certain skills. By focusing on developing these same skills, you can take your leadership abilities to the next level. Develop the important traits necessary to become a great leader: 1. […]