HR Compliance

Q&A: Do We Need to Pay Summer Interns?

Generally, yes, though it depends on who benefits most from their work. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has adopted the “primary beneficiary test” to ...

Affirmation: I do my best without regard for reward.

I always perform to the best of my ability and strive to go beyond what I must do to simply get the job done correctly. ...
HR Compliance

Q&A: What is Discrimination Based on National Origin?

Yes. Discrimination based on national origin is prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and includes treating applicants or employees unfavorably because they ...

Affirmation: I outline the big picture on my canvas before I paint in the small intricate details

Just as a painter envisions his masterpiece, I envision living my dreams. I know where I am going and how I plan to get there. ...
HR Compliance

Q&A: A remote employee’s roommate has been disrupting their work to the point that their performance is suffering. How should we handle this?

This situation should be handled the same way you’d manage most work disruptions affecting an employee’s performance. Start by having a conversation with the employee ...

Blasts From The Past

Affirmation: I am stronger than any challenge I face.

The challenges I face each day are of little concern to me. I have overcome many challenges in the past. My past record of success ...
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Q&A: Can We Ask Employees About Food Allergies?

No. However, employees who do have food allergies or restrictions would likely appreciate it if you made sure that they also get to partake of ...
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Q&A: Email from CEO requesting all records. Is this a scam?

Question: Our HR person received an email from the CEO requesting copies of employee payroll records, but the CEO did not send this email. Could ...
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Affirmation: 7 Ways to Grow Your Mental Toughness

Mental toughness can benefit you in many ways. When you’re mentally tough, it’s easier to overcome challenges, whether they be mental, physical, emotional, or something ...
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What is the difference between a job description and a job posting? Can I just share the job description when advertising for a role?

While the job description and the job posting are similar, in that they both outline the duties of the role and the knowledge, skills, and ...
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Affirmation: My fears diminish as I live my life with courage.

I develop my courage by practicing courage. The more often I demonstrate courage in my life, the more courage I have available to me. I ...
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