HR Girlfriends

HR Girlfriends™ is a Human Resources networking organization dedicated to advancing the practice and culture of people empowerment. Our team of Girlfriends consult, train, educate, develop, share, promote, and advocate for solutions in the field of human resource management.

Affirmation: How to Overcome the Fear of Failure

Affirmation: How to Overcome the Fear of Failure

Failure has touched the lives of everyone at some point. Because of this fact, you know how horrible it can make you feel. No wonder you strive to avoid it at all costs! But the problem is that this fear of failure can become one of your biggest life fears. Fear of failure is a […]

Career Mondays: Top 10 Steps to Career Success

Career Mondays: Top 10 Steps to Career Success

Have you ever wondered why some people get promoted, receive raises, and are more respected at work? It’s not a secret. Successful people do a few things differently than others and do them consistently. You can enjoy the same level of success by adopting the same behaviors. You must find ways to stand out and […]

Q&A: Can we extend a new employee’s probationary period? They aren’t meeting expectations yet.

Q&A: Can we extend a new employee’s probationary period? They aren’t meeting expectations yet.

You can extend an introductory period, but I would recommend a different approach. I’d also advise against using the word “probationary.” I’ll explain both points. Extending the Introductory PeriodFirst things first, be aware that having an introductory period for new employees has no legal impact on the employment relationship. Terminations during that time still come […]

Career Mondays: I leave the stresses of my career in the office

Career Mondays: I leave the stresses of my career in the office

At times, my career can be all consuming. Constantly bending over backwards to please difficult clients and unreasonable managers is draining, to say the least. However, I leave work related stresses in the office once 5pm rolls around. It is called happy hour for a reason and that is because I get to drive home […]

Q&A: Can we tell an employee to stay home if they are sick?

Q&A: Can we tell an employee to stay home if they are sick?

We’ve had a few employees come into work sick. Can we send them home or, in the future, tell them not to come in to work if they are sick? Yes. Generally, you can send sick employees home early when they are visibly ill or there is objective concern for the spread of a contagious […]

Affirmation: 7 Ways to Accept Yourself for Who You Are

Affirmation: 7 Ways to Accept Yourself for Who You Are

Accepting yourself and your situation in life can be a difficult task. Do you tend to be more accepting of others’ mistakes than your own? If so, you’re being too hard on yourself! Those people aren’t better than you! You were created with a unique set of talents that no one else has. Plus, everyone […]

Career Monday: How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile to Support Your Career Goals

Career Monday: How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile to Support Your Career Goals

Almost 95% of recruiters use LinkedIn to search for candidates, but most job seekers are overlooking this valuable opportunity. If you’re like many professionals, you probably created a profile and occasionally go back to add more connections. However, there is so much more you can do with this platform to advance your career. Take charge […]

Q&A: I’ve heard serving alcohol at company parties can be a liability. What steps can we take to protect our organization and our employees?

Q&A: I’ve heard serving alcohol at company parties can be a liability. What steps can we take to protect our organization and our employees?

Yes, alcohol can be a liability. Partygoers who overindulge could cause an accident or act in ways that violate your harassment policy. Here are some practices you might consider: Employers may be liable for employee misconduct and negligence when the employee is acting “in the course and scope of employment,” so make these kinds of […]

Affirmation: Breaking the Procrastination Habit with Positive Self-Talk

Affirmation: Breaking the Procrastination Habit with Positive Self-Talk

Are you a reluctant procrastinator? Do you always wait until the last moment to get things done? Do you find you are always putting things off until you can’t put them off any longer? Are your friends, family members, and co-workers frustrated with the way you tackle projects of any size? If so, you aren’t […]