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Career Monday: Discover The Power of Taking Chances

One of the best ways to make positive changes to your life is to take more risks. Life is more exciting and rewarding when you’re willing to put yourself out there and take a few chances. Plus, successful people take more risks than unsuccessful people.

With a little practice, you’ll find that taking a chance or two adds immeasurably to your life.

Consider these benefits of taking a chance and reap the power it gives you:

1. Taking chances enables you to move beyond your comfort zone. Nothing ever changes if you don’t do something new. It’s not easy to force yourself to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable, but it’s necessary if you want to experience growth in your life. Imagine the new adventures you can have!

2. Taking chances gives you power over yourself. Most people are risk-averse. It’s not in our genetic makeup to take chances. We’re like an antelope hiding in the tall grass, afraid to run out in the open for fear of being eaten by a lion. But there is tremendous power in taking chances.

  • When you can make yourself do things you don’t want to do, you realize that you’re conquering yourself.
  • This power extends to other areas of your life. You’ll find that you’ll do a better job of taking care of the mundane, but necessary, tasks in life. Taking action in the face of discomfort has a powerful impact on your life.

3. Taking chances gives you greater power over your life. You can take control of your life by taking steps to build the life that you desire. This gives you greater control. You can determine how you want to move forward, how you can overcome obstacles, and then do it.

  • Think of the people that never take chances. They’re much more susceptible to the randomness of life. External conditions have a greater effect. By taking a chance, you can avoid all this.

4. Taking chances reduces feelings of regret. More people regret the things they didn’t do than the things they did. Not taking chances in life leads to regret in your later years. You don’t want to be one of those people that looks back on his life and wonders, “What if?”

5. Your life is more exciting when you take chances. One of the most frequent complaints of adults is boredom. Do you live the same day over and over? The time flies by because there’s nothing to differentiate one day from the next. There are no victories or defeats, just the dullness that comes from monotony.

  • Add some spice to your life and have a reason to get up in the morning. Take a chance or two.

6. You’ll develop greater self-confidence and self-esteem. When you have control over yourself and your life, you feel pretty good about yourself. These qualities influence all the other parts of your life, too.

7. You have more opportunities. Taking chances exposes you to even greater opportunities. When you’re willing to act boldly, life seems to meet you halfway. It can be a great boost to the amount of success you experience in life.

Taking chances can be scary, but ask yourself what you have to lose. Whether it’s approaching someone attractive or sending your resume to your dream company, what do you have to lose? Most risks have little potential for real loss. The threat is inside your head.

For your best results, start slowly. Decide to take one small risk each day for a month and measure the effect it has on your life. Then you can move up to taking bigger chances as your tolerance for discomfort improves.

Discover the power of taking a chance. Start today! You’ll be glad you did!

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