HR Girlfriends

HR Girlfriends™ is a Human Resources networking organization dedicated to advancing the practice and culture of people empowerment. Our team of Girlfriends consult, train, educate, develop, share, promote, and advocate for solutions in the field of human resource management.

Career Mondays: 14 Microchanges Guaranteed to Advance Your Career

Career Mondays: 14 Microchanges Guaranteed to Advance Your Career

Is there some way to advance your career that’s faster than completing an MBA, and easier than rescuing your company from a hostile takeover bid? The truth is there are plenty of microchanges that can have a macro effect on increasing your value as an employee.If you want a raise or just more job satisfaction, try these simple tips for taking your work performance to the next level. They’ll pay off quickly.

Q&A: Can We Conduct a Background Check If We Haven’t Done One Before?

Q&A: Can We Conduct a Background Check If We Haven’t Done One Before?

Kate has several years of experience working in customer service and quickly moved into HR. She graduated from the University of Oregon with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Kate loves to explore the country with her husband and friends. .

Q&A: We’ve seen an uptick in complaints from employees. Is this cause for concern?

Q&A: We’ve seen an uptick in complaints from employees. Is this cause for concern?

The mere fact that you’re getting more complaints than normal isn’t necessarily something to worry about. The increase in complaints could be a sign that there are now more issues that require your attention, or it could be a sign that your employees are—for some reason—feeling safer speaking to you about their concerns. In and […]

Affirmation: Break Free From Crippling Self-Doubts With These 3 Tips

Affirmation: Break Free From Crippling Self-Doubts With These 3 Tips

Poor self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence can be just as damaging to our lives as being overconfident or arrogant. Do you harbor insecurities about your true abilities and worth? If so, this doubt is holding you back from reaching your full potential. Luckily, you don’t have to let fear keep you from achieving your […]

Career Mondays: Discover How Being Unconventional Can Advance Your Career

Career Mondays: Discover How Being Unconventional Can Advance Your Career

Harvard researchers conducted a number of experiments to see if violating the dress code could make people seem more prestigious. It worked. Students assumed that a consultant who wore red shoes while teaching a business seminar probably charged higher fees and had more upscale clients.

Q&A: What are some best practices for conducting terminations?

Q&A: What are some best practices for conducting terminations?

Answer from Marisa, SPHR: While all terminations carry some inherent risk, there are some best practices that can reduce risk significantly: DocumentationGood, ongoing documentation is your best defense to any challenge, whether from the employee in the termination meeting, the state unemployment insurance department, the labor department, or opposing counsel in court. Be sure to […]

Career Mondays: How to Balance Your Career and Home Life

Career Mondays: How to Balance Your Career and Home Life

In this day and age, it’s becoming more and more difficult to live off of one income. This means that oftentimes moms have few options when it comes to the decision of whether or not to work while raising children. If you’ve decided to keep up with your career, whether through choice or necessity, you’ll […]

Q&A: How Do We Address Immature Behavior Without It Sounding Personal?

Q&A: How Do We Address Immature Behavior Without It Sounding Personal?

We have an employee who generally performs well, but at times behaves immaturely. When she gets upset, she slams things and stomps around the office. She also often says “That’s not my job” when asked to help with something. She’s younger and this is her first job. Is there a best way to address this […]