“If I could sum up why I’m committed to the HR Girlfriends community it would come down to because we are ‘….in this together.'”

~Sana’ Rasul, Chief Girlfriend

Affirmation: Setting Priorities Helps Me To Be Patient With Goals

I go through life patiently pursuing my goals. I am able to achieve a sense of calmness because I prioritize. Doing first things first helps me to be patient in going after the things that are important to me.

Although there are several targets that I set my eyes on, I am realistic in my expectations. I recognize that it is wise to go after them in stages.

When I focus on one major project at a time, explosive success is more attainable. Dedicating my time to a single project helps me to develop strong ideas. I have the energy to turn ideas into reality when I put all my efforts into achieving one goal.

By looking at the overall benefits of my goals, I am able to identify the ones that are most important at a given time.

I clear my mind of other goals except for my current priority. I accept that there is a time to achieve all the things I view as important to a successful life.

Today, my mind and heart are at peace because I avoid the chaos of overachieving. My focus each day is to take one step at a time towards my goals. I recognize that the things I desire are possible when I exercise patience in attaining them.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is the most effective strategy for me to prioritize for optimal results?
2. What happens to the appeal of my goals when I push myself to prioritize them?
3. How can I develop greater patience with my goals?

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HR Girlfriends™ is a Human Resources networking organization dedicated to advancing the practice and culture of people empowerment. Our team of Girlfriends consult, train, educate, develop, share, promote, and advocate for solutions in the field of human resource management.

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