Everywhere I turn there is an opportunity to learn something new about life. Life lessons are nuggets of gold in a life that brings about challenges on a daily basis.
My most consistent giver of life lessons is my mother. Her example and experiences teach me how to treat others.
She is the person who I am most proud of and impressed by. When I watch how she relates to others, young or old, I am heartened. It matters very little who she is dealing with. The lesson she teaches is that respect is due to everyone.
It also shows me that my ability to earn respect is directly tied to my willingness to give it. I lead by my actions because they tell others who I am.
Living a sedentary lifestyle is unhealthy for my body. I learn this lesson over and over when I sink into a life of watching TV all the time. When my body aches and is slow to respond, I am reminded that it is because of my lack of activity.
Those physical cues ensure that I incorporate exercise into my daily activities. The lesson here is that I am responsible for my own health.
Today, the life lessons that present themselves to me are valuable. My journey through this life is comfortable, predictable, and fulfilling when I choose to heed the advice of those before me. Their lessons are my guide.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Where else do I get advice for how to live?
2. How many times do I need to receive the same lesson before incorporating it into my life?
3. How do I know when it is time to alter my approach to a situation?