I welcome doubts. Confronting uncertainty wakes me up.
I appreciate the value of humility. While I am confident in my abilities, I accept my limitations and acknowledge my errors. Doubts protect me from arrogance and pride. I see myself realistically and learn from experience.
Scrutinizing my life helps me to live authentically and responsibly. I form my own beliefs instead of blindly following the crowd. I make my own choices instead of repeating familiar patterns.
I discover promising new opportunities. Like a scientist, I experiment until I reach a useful conclusion. I am willing to test my assumptions and take risks. I am flexible enough to change my views based on the evidence before me.
I ask questions. I challenge my assumptions and search for deeper truths.
I talk with others about my reservations. I resolve my doubts by being honest and open about them. I listen respectfully to others even when we disagree. They have ideas that may help me to sort out my situation. Recognizing my need for assistance makes me more grateful and generous.
I turn to my faith. I know that I am connected to the universe. Whatever lies in store, I can rely on the divine for support. My faith guides me through difficult times when my path is unclear.
Today, I take advantage of moments of confusion. Facing my doubts makes me wiser and stronger.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What is one important lesson my doubts have taught me?
2. How do I distinguish between cynicism and healthy skepticism?
3. What sometimes holds me back from exploring my doubts?