Category: Affirmation

Affirmation: Small Ways To Work On Your Self Development With Big Results

Affirmation: Small Ways To Work On Your Self Development With Big Results

We can psyche ourselves out by taking on too much. It’s not necessary to move a mountain in a weekend to grow as a person. Doing a little bit each day is more than 99% of the people are willing to do. You don’t have to be a superstar each day to become a superstar, […]

Affirmation: Practice Enhances My Performance

Affirmation: Practice Enhances My Performance

I believe in the power of practice. Focusing on specific goals and training strategically helps me to excel. I increase my motivation. When I see the results of my efforts, I am inspired to keep trying. I gain confidence and satisfaction. Each victory makes me want to set a new goal to strive for. I […]

Affirmation: The Many Ways Your Body Misleads You

Affirmation: The Many Ways Your Body Misleads You

You’re held back by your body. Technically, it’s your brain that’s misleading you, but your brain communicates through your body. When your brain is concerned about a situation, you feel it in your body. Pleasant body feelings encourage behaviors. Unpleasant body feelings discourage them. Behaviors that lead to success often start out with discomfort. Successful […]

Affirmation: The Power Of Measuring Your Life

Affirmation: The Power Of Measuring Your Life

The things you measure have a funny way of improving. It almost looks like magic. Measuring those things in your life that matter is a powerful way of emphasizing and improving them. For example, it’s hard to know if your diet is working if you don’t check the scale regularly. Are you getting stronger in […]

Affirmation: Are You A Self Help Junkie?

Affirmation: Are You A Self Help Junkie?

Self-help is a $10 billion industry. That’s a lot of books, videos, consulting sessions, courses, and seminars. It’s a huge business. We all want to lead happier and more successful lives. However, it’s possible to get too much of a good thing. Some people are addicted to acquiring and collecting self-help materials. Are you? Consuming […]

Affirmation: What Is The Limiting Factor In Your Life?

Affirmation: What Is The Limiting Factor In Your Life?

No matter how far you’ve come in life, you’re still held back by a limiting factor. Even if you’re a billionaire, there is something that’s preventing you from having more. Some of us are currently more limited than others, but we all have limitations. And those limitations change. When one limitation is overcome, another is […]

Affirmation: 13 Bedtime Rituals That Encourage Mindfulness

Affirmation: 13 Bedtime Rituals That Encourage Mindfulness

When you were little, you probably had bedtime rituals that helped you go to sleep. Maybe your parents told you to put on your pajamas and brush your teeth. Maybe they read you one last story and checked under your bed for monsters. As an adult, you’re more likely to be thinking about your job […]

Affirmation: I Have The Power And Freedom To Create

Affirmation: I Have The Power And Freedom To Create

Creativity is one of the greatest gifts of all. I make an effort to maximize this gift. I know that the greatest contributions I can make to myself and to the world utilize my creativity. Everyone has the power to be creative. Yet, many people are afraid to use their creativity. I have the courage […]

Affirmation: See How The One Percent Rule Can Change Your Life and Your Results

Affirmation: See How The One Percent Rule Can Change Your Life and Your Results

Can a measly 1% improvement make a difference? It might not make a difference in a day, but regular 1% improvements can change your life! Sometimes we set goals so big that were too intimidated to even take the first step. Our brains don’t like the idea of big changes, which is why change can […]

Affirmation: I Listen Closely To The Life Lessons I Receive

Affirmation: I Listen Closely To The Life Lessons I Receive

Everywhere I turn there is an opportunity to learn something new about life. Life lessons are nuggets of gold in a life that brings about challenges on a daily basis. My most consistent giver of life lessons is my mother. Her example and experiences teach me how to treat others. She is the person who […]