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Career Mondays: How to Discover the Career of Your Dreams

Do you work in a career that doesn’t satisfy you? It’s easy to feel stuck because your job is providing you with security. It’s a scary thing to leave that security for the pursuit of your passion!

At the same time, there are steps you can take today to build the career you truly desire. Your passion for your new career can catapult you to success and unlock your dreams.

Confucius said, “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Heed his advice and you’ll be glad you left your old job behind!

Here are some strategies that can help you transition to your dream career:

  1. Get focused. It’s important to have a plan in place. Write down the specific job you’d like to have and the steps you need to take in order to get there.
  2. Assign a timeline. Be sure to give yourself a realistic timeline. As much as you’d like to start your dream job right away, you don’t want to risk stressing yourself out about it.
  3. Consider the financial cost. If your dream career involves owning your own business, it’s important to figure out how much this is going to cost you. Research your options, such as how you can save up the money or obtain a small business loan.
  4. Seek advice. Look to people who already have your dream career and discuss your options with them. If this isn’t feasible, find websites or message boards online that pertain to the field.

Time Management

Your current career probably already takes up a great deal of your time, so it’s important to manage your time well if you’re going to launch a new career. Allot yourself an hour or two each day to work toward your dream career.

Case Studies

Here are some examples of how others have been able to transition to their dream career. It’s refreshing to see how, with some smart action, you too can reach your career goals.

  • Sterling’s story. Sterling is a businessman who attended to his job during regular 9-5 hours, Monday through Friday. At night and sometimes on weekends, he learned about online business and outsourcing. He saved up money and soon launched his very own online business, having learned the ropes while he was saving up the money. Eventually, his online income reached a level where he could leave his 9-5 job and work full time for his new business.
  • Tracy’s story. Tracy is a stay-at-home mom and cares for her children all day. She decided she wanted to make and sell crafts. So she started making the craft items she enjoyed when the children were quiet or asleep. Then she learned how to use websites like eBay and Etsy to market and sell her crafts. Now she enjoys relaxing while she makes her crafts and earns a solid income stream by selling them online.

The common element in these two examples is the fact that these people were willing to work and do whatever it takes to find their vision of success. It’s easy to say that most people who start their own business fail, however, just like everything in life, if you keep getting up and trying, you’ll eventually reach your goals!

Plan your transition, work your plan, and soon you’ll discover that you’ve acquired the career of your dreams!

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