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Career Monday: Top 11 Reasons to Learn Something New Each Day

Learning something new each day is easy. Some people read voraciously and are a beacon of knowledge. Others tune in to their favorite information channel on television, listen to the radio, converse with their neighbor, or go to work to learn. However you find it, knowledge is all around you every day.

Learning new things can enrich your life in many ways:

1. Provides something to talk about. Who doesn’t want to be known for being an interesting conversationalist? You’ll have plenty of fodder to share with others.

2. Exposes you to new things. Learning about new information expands your mind. You become a more interesting and thoughtful person when you gain new knowledge.

3. You might find that one thing that makes your heart sing. For example, maybe you’ve never heard of swimming with the dolphins. But you read about it or saw it on television and planned a vacation to do it. You stand to experience something awesome just because you gained new knowledge.

4. Learning is refreshing. Learning excites your mind when you take in new info. You’re seduced to learn more and more. It’s great to feel like your mind is renewed in some way, and learning every day contributes to that feeling.

5. Combats boredom. When you learn something new, it helps you avoid a hum-drum existence. Jazz up your life simply by acquiring new information.

6. Gives you something to look forward to. If you know that each day after work, you’re going to search the internet with your iPad to research your currently favorite topic, you’ve got something to look forward to during your work day.

7. You affect the lives of others. Something you learn and share could have a profound impact on another person. At the very least, you might trigger someone’s curiosity to the extent that they delve more into a topic you’ve shared.

8. You set a great example for your children. There’s nothing that gets children interested in reading and scholarly topics like observing their parents expressing excitement about learning. Plus, seeing parents open a book, magazine or newspaper every day inspires kids to want to learn, too.

9. Knowledge is power. Sir Francis Bacon, an English philosopher and writer who lived during the 17th century, once said, “Knowledge is power.” When you have knowledge, you have the power to achieve many things. You gain something important. One of the most crucial reasons to learn something new daily is that you gain power when you do.

10. You’ll be intellectually stimulated. Get your intellectual juices flowing by opening a book or watching an information channel on television. Want to know more about carpentry? Fashion design? Ancient aliens? Find thought-provoking information and indulge. Expose yourself to topics to ponder.

11. Your quality of life will be enhanced. Learning provides you with an escape when you need it, knowledge when you seek it, and a great pastime.

There are so many reasons to gain new knowledge daily. Expand your mind, set a good example for your children and gain some power in your life. Overcome boredom, cultivate great conversation and positively impact the life of another human being. You’ll achieve all of these things and more when you focus on learning something new every day.

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