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Career Monday: Top 10 Ways To Demonstrate Your Ability To Handle Pressure At Work

Is your job particularly demanding? Being able to deal with pressure in the workplace is a highly sought-after skill. If pressure at work is part of your everyday life, you’ll be happy to learn that there are things you can do to both lower the pressure and prove to others that you can handle pressure effectively.

Put these ideas into action and impress your superiors and co-workers with how great you handle on-the-job pressure:

1. Remain calm. Maintain a calm demeanor no matter what happens. This takes practice, but the more you practice, the better you get. Staying calm demonstrates that you have the ability to take things in stride and complete your tasks even in the face of difficult circumstances.

2. Stay focused on what needs to be accomplished. Even though the day may be stressful, keep your mind on completing your regular responsibilities.

3. Help others to get through their taxing day. If you notice your co-workers struggling with their tasks, help them finish and become the leader you know you are!

4. Stay positive. Refuse to enter into arguments or other disagreements with co-workers. Keep busy to enable your thoughts remain positive and focused.

5. Get help if it’s needed. Part of your job as an employee is to protect your employer. Notice if there is something out of line and get the help that you need immediately. Assessing the situation and taking care of issues right away shows that you can think clearly under pressure.

6. Steer clear of too much caffeine. Coffee is a stimulant and while it’s good for you in small amounts, too much of it can cause you undue stress. Limit your coffee intake to one or two cups a day and space them out throughout your work time. Chocolate is also a stimulant, so go easy on the chocolate snacks.

7. Take breaks. Taking short breaks helps you release pent-up stress, rejuvenates you, and actually enables you to be more productive. Take a walk to the restroom or just get up and move about the office.

8. Utilize your vacation time wisely. Plan your vacation during slow times at your job. Staying during the busy times shows your employer your dedication.

9. Join in with big projects. From time to time, your company may need help with a large or complex project. Take on the responsibility willingly. Showing your ability to be flexible also demonstrates your ability to handle added pressure.

10. If you’re stressed, avoid letting it show. Carry on with your responsibilities, no matter what it takes. Consciously bringing your mind back to your current action in completing your important tasks will help you let go of worrying and other stress.

Staying positive and focusing on your work, regardless of the circumstances, demonstrates tremendous ability to handle pressure at work. Employers look for this trait when they hire new employees and when they consider which employees to promote. So being able to deal with pressure is a handy skill that can help advance your career.

Practice using these tips each day and you’ll find that you get better and better at dealing effectively with pressure at work.

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