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Career Monday: Simple Strategies To Attract Your Dream Job

If you don’t already have your dream job, what’s holding you back from the job you deserve? You’ll soon discover that you can no longer make excuses because the time to attract your dream job is now!

It doesn’t really matter what your end goal is, there are always ways to get there. The only real decision you need to make is what you want to go after. After that, it’s all planning and implementing!

Use these simple strategies for attracting your dream job:

1. Learn by example. Do you know of someone who is doing what you dream of? Are there any role models, mentors, or coaches you can learn from? Study what others have done and ask them questions if you have the opportunity. Now that you already know what you want, you just need to figure out exactly how to get it!

2. Break it down. While you’re keeping your eye on the prize, you might be taking too much in at once. You also may be trying to accomplish too much too fast. Break down your dream goal into smaller mini-goals. Once you have a simplified plan in place, attack each mini-goal with your full attention and you’ll be chipping away slowly, but surely at your dream goal!

3. Get your foot in the door. In the long run, it’s better for you to take the first step toward your dream job, rather than working a dead end job, even if the dead end job is paying you more. If you can bear working for less money for a while, the long-term benefits will be worth it.

4. Work on communication. If you work on your communication and people skills, you can work toward nearly any job that you want. This is because you’ll get your points across clearly and become well respected.

5. Make yourself stand out. It always helps if you’re seen as the type of person that will go the extra mile. If there’s a specific job that you’re interviewing for, study the objectives and duties of the job carefully. Make sure you have the qualities and skill set they’re looking for, and if you don’t, show that you’re willing to take the initiative to acquire them.

6. Take action. There may be a number of things that are holding you back from truly going for your dream job. Identify these causes and eliminate them. What are you afraid of? What is in the way of you and your dreams?

Your Dreams Take Time

It may take time for you to attract your dream job. Chances are your dream job isn’t an entry-level position at your local McDonald’s, but perhaps you’ll want to own a restaurant someday.
In order to make this goal a reality, realize that your dreams take time, research, guidance, money, and a whole lot of effort. After all, no restaurant opened overnight!

So what can you do today to get started on your goal? Perhaps you can begin your research, locate a mentor, start a savings account, or do any number of other simple tasks that will help you build momentum.

Use these strategies whenever possible to help you attract your dream job. With consistent action and effort, the only way to go is up!

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