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Career Monday: Make Job Crafting Work For You

Transform your job into a calling. Whether you’re a senior manager or an entry level clerk, job crafting is a technique you can use to boost your satisfaction and engagement.

The secret is to break your job down into blocks that you can rearrange to suit your passions and strengths. Forget about feeling stuck from 9 to 5. Study these tips for redesigning your work day and creating a more fulfilling career.

Job Crafting Steps to Take Yourself

1. Monitor your energy levels. Figure out which activities stimulate you, and which leave you feeling drained. You’ll start to see where you want to devote your time and efforts.

2. Restructure your tasks. Now you can start to look at reengineering your position. Think about the responsibilities you want to build on and the ones you’d like to shift away from. Consider how you could change your methods to make budgeting or sales calls more pleasant.

3. Revamp your relationships. Personal interactions play a major role in your work life. Would your productivity increase if you worked more closely with the social media team or human resources department? Do you find it gratifying to mentor interns or trade ideas with your counterparts at other organizations?

4. Change your attitude. The most important adjustment you can make may be within your own mind. A positive outlook can help you remain content while dealing with tight deadlines or long commutes.

5. Keep learning. It’s easier to be flexible when you continue updating your knowledge and skills. Sign up for a course on business math or read the latest bestseller about your industry.

6. Focus on service. You’ll probably discover your deepest sense of purpose by thinking about how your choices affect those around you. Maybe you want to exceed a customer’s expectations or advance your profession.

7. Seek balance. Remember that there’s more to you than your professional identity. Stay true to your personal goals if you value family time and other personal commitments more than making an additional investment in your job.

Job Crafting Steps to Take With Your Coworkers

1. Enlist your supervisor. You obviously want to have your boss on board. Emphasize how job crafting can help you do your job more effectively. Use specific examples that relate to their priorities.

2. Encourage teamwork. Studies show that job crafting is more successful when the entire organization participates. Volunteer to organize group discussions and evaluations.

3. Create allies. Team up with coworkers who share your enthusiasm for adding a personal touch to the usual job descriptions. You can give each other valuable suggestions and feedback.

4. Swap tasks. One advantage of collaborating is that you may find an office mate who actually likes the tasks you want to avoid. You both come out ahead when you can hand off screening resumes or making cold calls without creating gaps in coverage.

5. Spark innovation. These days, businesses that thrive are the ones that can keep up with changing demands. Job crafting could increase your job security by making your company more adaptable as employees think creatively about how to use resources.

6. Earn trust. Your boss and coworkers are more likely to support your interest in job crafting if you assure them that it’s in their interest too. Cover your basic responsibilities while you expand your scope.

Think of your job description as a starting point rather than a rigid set of boundaries you have to operate within. Job crafting can help you identify new opportunities and make small changes that add up to a big difference in your work life.

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