When we leave school, college, or university, often we have no idea what we really want. We choose a job or career based on what our parents, friends, or career advisors say.
Then, ten years on, we find ourselves in a mediocre situation, with a growing sense of disappointment and dissatisfaction about our work and our place in it. Is it too late to change direction and do something completely new or different?
Of course not!
Life is changing rapidly and dramatically. New careers, ideas, and opportunities are popping up all the time. Things we would never have thought possible just a few years ago have become household favorites virtually overnight.
Who would have thought it was possible for the biggest taxi company in the world to own no taxis? Who would have thought that the biggest online retailer doesn’t have a single product of their own to sell? Who would have thought a whole new industry could be born simply from fast-food delivery?
What Do You Want?
If you want to change direction, at any age, the most important thing is to discover is what you really want out of life.
• What interests you?
• What fascinates you?
• What do you feel passionate about?
Make a list on each of these important issues and see where they overlap or have commonality. Hidden in there somewhere are the basic elements of a complete change of direction for you.
When you really dig into your lists, it’s possible to create a basic plan of careers, jobs, and opportunities to explore that can lead you to a life of fulfilment and happiness.
If you pursue that path as long as it keeps you happy and fulfilled, you’ll never look back. However, there might well come a day when life changes and/or you change, and it might be time to change direction again. It happens all the time in this rapidly developing world.
Exploring a New Career
Once you’ve gone through your lists and found some careers that will fulfil your passions and interests, you’ll want to consider other aspects of them, too.
Ask yourself these questions:
1. Will it make me enough money? You’ll want to consider how you’ll monetize your interest and what pursuing that aspect will entail for you. Do you want to get a new job in this field? Start your own business?
• With the advent of social media and internet marketing, it’s possible to reach out to thousands of potential customers or clients all over the world without ever leaving home.
• The potential of making money is certainly there, but you might need to retrain and learn some new skills to reach out and get it.
2. What will others think? This is an age-old question that stops many people from making changes that could change their life for the better, forever. However, keep in mind that all the time that you’re worried about what other people think, say, or do, you’ll never be free.
• Consider the maxim, “Whatever other people think of me is none of my business.”
• We have no way to influence what others think of us other than by setting a good example. Let them think whatever they want while you go out and get things done! Never let those who think it can’t be done interrupt those who are already out there doing it.
3. What am I willing to give up in order to create something really incredible? Many times, you’ll find that preparing for a new career encroaches on your current life. If this is the case, weigh the costs of time, money, and effort against your current life to help determine which aspect is more important to you.
• Would you sell your car to fund a program where you could learn new skills and explore new ideas?
• Would you give up your evenings or your social life to reinvest that time in educating yourself in a completely different career or opportunity?
• Are you willing to work weekends and evenings to study new concepts, ideas, or strategies?
4. Will I be good enough to make it work? The very fact that you’re reading this says that you’re searching for change, reassurance about change, and that something is pulling you forward towards change.
• You already considered that there is more to your life than that which you are currently experiencing, and you want to know what it is and get fully engaged with it, right?
• Mindset is vitally important. Let your motivation carry you forward. As you take action, a positive mindset will help you overcome any obstacles that may arise.
Your life is entirely under your control and what you do with it is your decision alone. Get busy, make some decisions and take action, and keep moving forward with your ideas and intentions.
The answers may not come overnight, but as long as you pursue what interests you, fascinates you, and makes you happy, you will find the answers that you seek.
Beware of any criticism of your dreams and ideas from anyone you wouldn’t go to for sound advice. After all, opinions are ten a penny. Everyone has them, but opinions are not going to help or support you.
Be relentless in your pursuit of happiness and fulfilment. Go at it like your whole life depends on it. Because it does.