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Affirmation: Who Else Wants To Celebrate Self Care Sundays

Do you love the idea of self-care, but you keep forgetting to squeeze any personal time into your busy schedule? Self-Care Sundays may help you to stay on track by devoting one day a week to your wellbeing.

The concept of self-care is at least as old as civilization. However, it has become more of a buzzword in recent years.

While you could pick any day of the week to start practicing, Sunday has its advantages. You’re probably home from work, so you have more control over your time. It also gives you a chance to prepare for a fresh start each week.

Remember that many of the most nurturing activities are simple, fun, and free. Use these ideas to invent your own Self-Care Sunday rituals.

Self-Care for Your Physical Health:

1. Plan your menu. A meal plan can help you to manage your weight and eat healthy. Figure out balanced meals and snacks to enjoy throughout the week. Start with sharing a family dinner on Sunday nights.

2. Eat light. You can brunch without bacon. Visit a farmer’s market and whip up a mushroom omelet. Make healthy pizza at home with a cauliflower crust and vegetable toppings.

3. Stay hydrated. If you’re tired much of the time, you may need to drink more water. Try carrying a bottle around with you on Sunday to see if you feel more alert. Drinking water can also help you to lose weight.

4. Work out. Treadmills are convenient for workday mornings, but you probably have more options on your days off. Head outdoors to ride your bike or climb a mountain.

5. Sleep well. It’s tempting to sleep in on weekends, but a consistent schedule is more effective. Go to bed early, so you’ll feel refreshed on Monday morning.

6. Examine your skin. Dermatologists recommend a monthly self-examination to spot early signs of skin cancer. Do it every fourth Sunday or scan a quarter of your body each week.

7. Tidy up. Cleaning and decluttering benefit your body and mind as well as your home. Catching up on housework will reduce your exposure to germs and cut down on anxiety.

Self-Care for Your Psychological and Spiritual Health:

1. Meditate and pray. Spend some time developing mindfulness and connecting with the Divine. Start with a few minutes at a time and extend your sessions as your concentration grows.

2. Learn something. Read a book or take a course online. Earn a new accreditation or study a subject unrelated to your work.

3. Be social. Hang out with family and friends. Organize a movie night with foreign films and popcorn. Visit a museum or go shopping together.

4. Enjoy a laugh. Brighten up your Sunday with something funny. Sing The Duck Song with your kids or tell them about a silly thing you did in grade school. Browse online for cat videos.

5. Express gratitude. Think about the things you’re thankful for and write them down in a gratitude journal. Feeling appreciative will make you happier and healthier.

6. Turn off your phone. Take a break from technology. Keep your phone turned off or muted for at least a few hours each Sunday. Limit the number of times you check your messages.

7. Give generously. Serving others enhances your physical and mental health and can make you more popular. Do volunteer work in your community. Hand out sincere compliments to strangers. Search through your closets for clothing and other possessions you can donate to charity.

Let Self-Care Sundays become a reminder to tend to your wellbeing on a regular basis. You’ll increase your chances for leading a meaningful life and deepen your capacity to care for others.

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