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Affirmation: The Practical Day To Day Survival Skills Hidden In The TV Show Lost

You’ll probably never get stranded on a remote island fighting off polar bears and monsters made of smoke. Still, you can put the time you spent watching the TV show Lost to good use. Think back to some of the survival skills taught by Jack, Kate, Hugo, and all their friends.

Profound Survival Skills

1. Let the fear in. Almost everything you need to know about life was summarized in one of Jack’s first lines as he was tending to victims of the plane crash. Accept your doubts and rise to the challenge anyway.

2. Respect each other. We’re all in this together. Appreciating each other makes it easier to cooperate.

3. Remember that everything happens for a reason. Events sometimes seem unfair. Look honestly at the causes. There may be habits you can change if you want to get different results.

4. Stop waiting. Once they were stranded, people found the courage to trek through the jungle. Resolve to explore new opportunities rather than remaining in your comfort zone until circumstances force you to act.

5. Give more. Taking without giving is a prescription for unhappiness. Get inspired by Sawyer, who starts out as a con man hoarding supplies for himself, and ends up jumping out of a helicopter so others can live.

6. Forget about running. There’s nowhere to run on an island without ending up out at sea. Wherever you are, face issues head on. A direct approach will build your self-confidence and solve your dilemmas faster.

7. Look for what you want to see. It took the castaways a while to notice the gigantic lighthouse standing next to them because they were so caught up in their own personal conflicts. Step back and open your eyes to spot the beauty and possibilities that you may be missing.

8. Remember and let go. As the final scenes showed us, there’s a distinction between moving on and leaving. Honor your past while living in the present and preparing for your future.

9. Live together. At some point you might have become tired of hearing, “Live together. Die alone.” Then again, success always depends on pulling together and helping each other out.

Light Hearted Survival Skills

1. Beware of winning the lottery. Hugo discovered he was happier before he became an instant millionaire and his family started squabbling. Be grateful for what you have and recognize the value in working for what you want.

2. Rent a van. Riding in a Volkswagen bus listening to Three Dog Night is bound to put a smile on your face. Think of more feel-good rituals that will fit into your daily schedule and lift your spirits.

3. Root for the underdog. Jack couldn’t believe the Red Sox won the World Series. Despite how far behind you fall, success may be just around the corner. Hold onto your dreams and keep putting forth your best effort.

4. Get a dog. Vincent, the golden retriever, spread cheer and comfort wherever he went. If your lease or allergies rule out a dog, develop some way to experience unconditional love.

5. Unplug the vending machine. Experts disagree about whether powering off the machine will really make a stuck candy bar fall down. It’s still better for your mental health than beating on the glass.

6. Do more than survive. We all need time to play. Build a golf course or find whatever makes you laugh.

It was around ten years ago when the first episode of Lost aired. Celebrate the anniversary by showing you’ve got what it takes to survive on the island and in the real world.

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