On the highway of life, work does not drive me. I drive work by staying calm
and remaining positive.
I am in control of my work and emotions. I am successful because I am dedicated to
my work and passionate about my life. Therefore, peace and joy follow me wherever
I go.
When I am surrounded by pressure, I stay relaxed by keeping the big picture in
mind. If I feel stressed, I close my eyes and envision lying on a beautiful, sunny
beach, listening to the waves crashing on the shore. My cares simply float away.
When I get to work, I embrace my assignments with a positive attitude. Challenges
are welcome in my life because they revive the creativity within me. I seek out
the good in every situation. If I find myself in a cloud of negativity, I go elsewhere.
I stay calm under pressure. Another person’s lack of preparation does not constitute
an emergency in my life. I stand up for myself and I know when to say no. I keep
my plate free from meaningless busywork.
I drive my work; it neither drags me around, nor enslaves me. I am happy to
complete my work because it is valuable to me and it makes a difference to others.
Being in the driver’s seat leads me to enjoy my life that much more. My optimism
keeps me miles ahead of my obligations. A positive attitude causes me to be
proactive about the things that need to be done.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What kind of attitude do I display toward my work?
- How do I react under pressure?
- How can I be more proactive?