“If I could sum up why I’m committed to the HR Girlfriends community it would come down to because we are ‘….in this together.'”

~Sana’ Rasul, Chief Girlfriend

Affirmation: I am admired by others

I have many excellent qualities that others find admirable. These qualities include my intelligence, compassion, assertiveness, and sense of adventure.

Being admired by others fills me with confidence and gratitude. I am working hard at improving myself and enjoy the process. Being admired is merely icing on the cake.

On occasion, someone might make a negative comment to me. I remind myself that it is common for people to have a bad day. I receive many compliments and I know that most people think highly of me. I am free from being affected by the negative opinions of others.

It is an advantage to have a high level of influence among my peers. I use that influence to be the best leader I can be. People follow my lead and feel comfortable with my ideas and suggestions.

I find that others seek out my advice and value my opinion. I am well liked and respected. I do my best to help others while respecting my own needs.

I enjoy an active social life. I find it easy to make friends and others enjoy spending time with me. I can always find an enthusiastic partner for any activity that interests me.

Today, I live my life with the best of intentions, and follow through with kind words and deeds. I enjoy the knowledge that others think highly of me and use that to help others and myself to the best of my ability.

Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Who are some people that already admire me?
2. What is it that they admire about me the most?
3. What characteristics about myself could I change for the better?

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HR Girlfriends™ is a Human Resources networking organization dedicated to advancing the practice and culture of people empowerment. Our team of Girlfriends consult, train, educate, develop, share, promote, and advocate for solutions in the field of human resource management.

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