“If I could sum up why I’m committed to the HR Girlfriends community it would come down to because we are ‘….in this together.'”

~Sana’ Rasul, Chief Girlfriend

Affirmation: I am a well where others come to draw wisdom

Wisdom is the ultimate gift, because it is my guide in life. The conviction that wisdom brings helps me to appreciate all of the other blessings in my life. My character is deeply rooted in my thirst for knowledge.

I am driven by a desire to leave behind a legacy for my children to follow. I want those behind me to walk in wisdom simply by following my footsteps. The values that I am teaching others through my example will live on long after my name is forgotten.

Fame is temporary, but knowledge lasts forever. Therefore, I spend my time and energy on attaining what has the most value: knowledge. Performing acts of kindness for others is the gift that keeps on giving.

The impact that my life is making on my children will outlast me for years to come. Generations after me will benefit from the decision I am making today to seek wisdom above all things.

I desire nothing more than to make a difference in the world and in the lives of the young people around me. Fame, fortune, and making a name for myself are irrelevant to me next to leaving behind a legacy of excellence and hard work.

I am digging a well with the shovel of persistence and the strength of desire. As I dig deeper into the well, I overflow with wisdom and character for others to take away.

Today, I choose to shift my focus from building a name for myself to digging a well that will serve as a resource for generations to come.

Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Am I devoting my time to something that will outlast me?
2. How can I make my life truly count?
3. Who can I help today to start making an impact in the world?

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HR Girlfriends™ is a Human Resources networking organization dedicated to advancing the practice and culture of people empowerment. Our team of Girlfriends consult, train, educate, develop, share, promote, and advocate for solutions in the field of human resource management.

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