I exude confidence. I say and do beneficial things for myself and others. Because of this essential goodness that is inherent in all that I do, I am well-received everywhere I go.
Consistently, I act in a manner that promotes my highest good. Because I do this, I am able to trust myself. And because I trust myself, other people also trust me. They know that anything they tell me in confidence stays that way and that I always advocate for their best interests, just like I do for my own.
I also act with sensitivity toward others’ feelings. I have a keen sense of where people are at emotionally. Other people know that I am genuine and caring toward them, regardless of the situation.
Other people regularly show me their approval. At home, my partner and children shower me with affection. They show me with their hugs and tender touches. At work, I am appreciated by my colleagues and my boss. They tell me this with their words and by continuing to count on me when they need help.
If I feel like I may have made an error or wronged someone, I apologize and strive to make amends. This humility is yet another part of why I am well-received.
Today, I am confident as I interact with other people. I know that they receive me well, and that they have good reason to do so.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What are some ways in which the people in my life show me their approval?
2. What can I do today to increase my trust in myself?
3. In what ways am I particularly good at pleasing others while still being true to myself?