Each day, I feel fulfilled because I spend my time on activities that are important to me. I look forward to each day with anticipation. My best days are right now.
My anticipation is the result of the choices I make every day. I make choices in accordance with which options support my highest priorities.
So my choices result in positive outcomes, adding to my joy and fulfillment, rather than taking away from them.
I only have room in my mind and heart for positive and important things. I refrain from letting negative thoughts enter my existence. If I discover a negative thought trying to sneak its way in, I banish it and replace it with something positive.
I focus on the good, regardless of what comes my way.
My focus is unwavering because I understand how important focus is to joy and fulfillment. I choose to seek out that which fills me with positive experiences.
Negative things do happen from time to time, but I refuse to dwell on them. I forgive life. I forgive other people and myself. By letting go of negative experiences, I make room for the positive ones.
Fulfillment comes from spending my time in a worthwhile manner. I am always on the lookout for new ways to feel fulfilled. I know the answers are all around me and try to catch the best opportunities.
Today, I choose to believe in the positive and allow happiness into my life. I focus on the good all around me.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What can I be joyful about right now?
2. How fulfilled do I feel on a daily basis? What can I do to increase this feeling?
3. How do I react when something negative happens?