HR Compliance

Q&A: Do We Need to Pay Summer Interns?

Generally, yes, though it depends on who benefits most from their work. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has adopted the “primary beneficiary test” to ...

Affirmation: I do my best without regard for reward.

I always perform to the best of my ability and strive to go beyond what I must do to simply get the job done correctly. ...
HR Compliance

Q&A: What is Discrimination Based on National Origin?

Yes. Discrimination based on national origin is prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and includes treating applicants or employees unfavorably because they ...

Affirmation: I outline the big picture on my canvas before I paint in the small intricate details

Just as a painter envisions his masterpiece, I envision living my dreams. I know where I am going and how I plan to get there. ...
HR Compliance

Q&A: A remote employee’s roommate has been disrupting their work to the point that their performance is suffering. How should we handle this?

This situation should be handled the same way you’d manage most work disruptions affecting an employee’s performance. Start by having a conversation with the employee ...

Blasts From The Past

Affirmation: I am the person I was meant to become

I love the person I am becoming. I feel confident that I am the person I was meant to be. The direction my life is ...
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Q&A: Can we use comp time with our employees?

It depends. For nonexempt employees of a private employer, no. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) doesn’t permit private employers to offer compensatory time (“comp ...
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HR Q&A: Suggestions for Exit Interviews During the Pandemic

We’ve had a lot of turnover since the pandemic started and are thinking about doing exit interviews to see if we can find out why. ...
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Career Monday: How To Make A Good Impression In Your First Month at a New Job

Getting a new job is a nerve-wracking experience. There’s the stress of the application process to consider, the headache of the interview, and the agonizing ...
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Q&A: Some of our employees have been careless on the job and broken company property. Can we deduct the cost of replacing the broken items from their paychecks?

Probably not. Many states have imposed significant limitations on what kinds of things employers can take a deduction for, and often the deduction also requires ...
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An employee quit after training and orientation, but before starting their actual job. Do we have to pay them?

Question: An employee quit after training and orientation, but before starting their actual job. Do we have to pay them? Answer from Monica, SPHR, SHRM-CP: ...
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