Q&A: What is Discrimination Based on National Origin?

Yes. Discrimination based on national origin is prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and includes treating applicants or employees unfavorably because they ...

Affirmation: I outline the big picture on my canvas before I paint in the small intricate details

Just as a painter envisions his masterpiece, I envision living my dreams. I know where I am going and how I plan to get there. ...

Q&A: A remote employee’s roommate has been disrupting their work to the point that their performance is suffering. How should we handle this?

This situation should be handled the same way you’d manage most work disruptions affecting an employee’s performance. Start by having a conversation with the employee ...

Affirmation: The time to go after my dreams is now.

Only I hold the power to create the life I desire. I want to make my dreams come true so each day I work on ...

Q&A: What’s the difference between a furlough and a layoff?

Furloughs and layoffs are ways to reduce labor costs during times of economic hardship. They both involve a loss of work for employees, but there ...

Blasts From The Past

Affirmation: Taking care of myself makes me feel good

Rather than being a luxury, taking care of myself is an important contributor to my health and well-being. To take care of my body physically, ...
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Career Monday: Reduce Stress Before A Job Interview With These Techniques

Interviews are pretty stressful experiences. Even if you’re excited by the prospect of potentially getting a new job, the chances are you’re feeling nervous about ...
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Q&A: What is Paid Volunteer Time Off?

Volunteer time off (VTO) is a form of paid leave that gives employees their regular compensation for hours spent in service to an approved charitable ...
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Q&A: How can we show employees that their feedback is heard and valued?

First, thank them. This lets the employee know you received their input and that you appreciate their taking the time and energy to give it. ...
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Q&A: Are We Required To Pay Employees If We Close for Inclement Weather?

Question: If our company closes due to inclement weather, are we required to pay employees? Can we require PTO use? The answer depends on whether ...
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Affirmation: I am a well where others come to draw wisdom

Wisdom is the ultimate gift, because it is my guide in life. The conviction that wisdom brings helps me to appreciate all of the other ...
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