
Affirmation: I do my best without regard for reward.

I always perform to the best of my ability and strive to go beyond what I must do to simply get the job done correctly. ...

Q&A: What is Discrimination Based on National Origin?

Yes. Discrimination based on national origin is prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and includes treating applicants or employees unfavorably because they ...

Affirmation: I outline the big picture on my canvas before I paint in the small intricate details

Just as a painter envisions his masterpiece, I envision living my dreams. I know where I am going and how I plan to get there. ...

Q&A: A remote employee’s roommate has been disrupting their work to the point that their performance is suffering. How should we handle this?

This situation should be handled the same way you’d manage most work disruptions affecting an employee’s performance. Start by having a conversation with the employee ...

Affirmation: The time to go after my dreams is now.

Only I hold the power to create the life I desire. I want to make my dreams come true so each day I work on ...

Blasts From The Past

Who Else Wants to Stop Feeling Stressed Out by Politics?

You’ve probably noticed that modern politics tend to be divisive. TV commentators and family members argue about impeachment, health care, climate change and now, COVID-19. ...
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Affirmation: Learning How To Calm Your Mind

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night with frantic thoughts about all you need to get done the next day? Are ...
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Career Monday: A Job Hunter’s Guide To Dealing With A Slow Interview Process

The line at the DMV moves faster than the hiring process at some companies. First, you fill out questionnaires and take personality tests. Then, you ...
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Q&A: What are protected classes or characteristics?

Protected classes—also known as protected characteristics—come from several federal laws, though about half are from Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Although ...
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Q&A: An employee let us know they got a part-time job and would like to change their hours. Do we have to change their schedule?

No. An employee wanting to change their hours because they got a second job is not something you’re required to accommodate. Even so, we wouldn’t ...
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Affirmation: The time to go after my dreams is now.

Only I hold the power to create the life I desire. I want to make my dreams come true so each day I work on ...
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